
Select a project and click image

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My contributions were: project idea / concept / site design. All front-end work, main menu, admin menu, all error pages. Backend admin user list, user add, user delete, register and menu. Database collaborated with Mark in design of db tables and columns.
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Tools: PHP, Twig, Bootstrap, Slim, CSS, HTML

Mad Science Netherland

Responsive design and cross-browser compatibility. Client and backend developer coordination. This bilingual (Dutch and English) site was created from design mockups. The site was to follow the US franchise in look and feel. Added lots of videos, created new Work for Us page, added lots of pop-up videos and forms. Inputed franchise locations (javascript driven).

Continued with client updating US sites and wrote How to documents to instruct with the launch of their new cms.
View Staging Site

Tools: HTML5, Sass, gulp, bootstrap, javascript

Doggie Match

Hackathon: JAMstack freeCodeCamp - remote, 2018
Team took 3rd place worldwide.
My contribution was the concept and design.

Two day hackathon the team pulled together to create a site to help people looking for dogs and people who have dogs they need to find homes for to connect with each other. This incorporated api, JavaScript using React. 
View Source Code Video Presentation

Tools: Design, JavaScript, React, html, css


Designed a static responsive website design.
Helped this personal trainer launch her career by creating a custom site.
View Site Source Code

Tools: Design, HTML5, CSS3 and bootstrap

Omni AR

This was my first AR project which I had the privilege to collaborate with Mykel Bisson. This WebAR app requires a cell phone camera and an internet connection. The aim of this POC was to bring a product (E-bike) into the user's environment and be able to interact, manipulate, watch videos, share on social media, and to be able to make a purchase all within the AR app.
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Tools: PlayCanvas, JS, WebAR and hosted on 8thWall.


This is BACK DIV element.


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This bilingual (dutch & english) website. Starting with three pages designed I was responsible for building the ten page website ensuring that the site was cohesive in its design. I completed all the front end work while coordinating with the backend developer.

View Staging Site

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Mad Science


Mad Science


Mad Science



Doggie Match

Team took 3rd place worldwide and won the API prizes for Best Formspree Integration and Best Fauna Integration. A two day hackathon the team pulled together to create a site to help people looking for dogs and people who have dogs they need to find homes for to connect with each other. This incorporated api, JavaScript using React. My contribution was the concept, design and front end.
Tools: Design, JavaScript, React, html, css

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multiple dogs siting against pink wall